Friday, November 2, 2012

What is the Best Medium Channel for Fortune Telling?

Many mediums are available when it comes to fortune telling, from cards to water in a silver bowl. For centuries those who claim to have a gift have been telling fortunes using all manner of ways to see patterns and interpret them to foretell future events for the client who want a peek into what may be in store for them.

Crystal Balls and Tarot Cards

Popular myth would have us believe the Gypsies are the most gifted when it comes to using tarot or crystal balls to see into the possible future of the questioners who visit them. While it is possible to learn the tarot by independent study or training, the crystal ball is a device that uses intuition and the training of the mind to see what is inside.

Cards have a set meaning that is open to some interpretation by the reader using their own vision of what the symbols may mean as relates to the question at hand. Having a natural ability to decode hidden meanings can be an asset when it comes to any form of divination and it is an ability that can be trained and strengthened with training and practice for those willing to make the effort.

Necromancy to tell the Future

It is believed by many that some people have the ability to communicate with the dead and that the spirit world has information regarding the future events that are about to unfold.

The reader, or medium, places themselves in a trance in order to commune with the spirits of those who have departed to seek their wisdom and advice on future events and decisions the client is facing. Training for this method can be done, but it is believed that the reader must have some latent natural talent in order to be successful.

Runes and Dice

Some say there are specific rune stones that can be crafted to foresee the future when interpreted correctly by the reader. Runes are ancient symbols that are believed to be the predecessor of the tarot cards since they share many symbols. Made from clay or natural stones found by the reader, the symbols are inscribed or painted on with natural dyes and placed in a bag. The client then draws them out one by one to be interpreted by the reader, much the same as with a tarot deck. As with many other fortune telling mediums.

Now that you are more familiar with the tools of a medium, or fortune teller, you must choose which person is the best fit for your needs. One who is familiar with the many ways to perform their art and is adept at at least two of them is preferred. The many types of questions and problems that need resolution can affect the type of tools used for a reading, since no one method works for every situation.

Someone with a natural ability will be able to pick up nearly any of the mediums used in their trade and be able to give you a satisfactory reading, specializing in one or two methods makes them even more effective at their art. When tools are handled on a regular basis, they have a tendency to pick up latent energy from the user and become even more powerful tools of divination.


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