Lets face it. There are days when we are all full of excuses. I cant recollect the amount of times where I?ve procrastinated to a point where I?ve told myself, what?s the point now, even if I do go to the gym I wont have more than half an hour, so let me just sit this one out.?Well today I?m here to tell you that that old excuse no longer works.?Here is a great workout that will do more for you than even one hour of isolated workouts at the gym, where your trainer will ask you to spend valuable time working out biceps, ankles and calves.?This is a full body functional workout and if you are done in 20 minutes you even have time for 3 or 4 all out sprints on the treadmill.
Weighted squats ? hold dumbbells in each hand and spread your legs at shoulder width.? Now move down in a sitting position. Breathe in on your way down and come up fast breathing out while you do. Make sure your knees never cross your toes. Do one set of 15 reps at a weight that is comfortable for you and then do a second rep of 10 to 12 reps with heavier weights.
Bench Press ? Lie down flat on a flat surface (if on the floor make sure that there is a mat or a rug between your back and the floor).? Keep your knees slightly bent. Now raise the dumbbells up over your chest in an upward pushing motion. Breathe out when you raise the dumbbells up.? Don?t lock your elbows when you extend your arms completely. Go back to starting position and repeat for 15 reps for one set with a comfortable weight. Increase the weight slightly for the second set and decrease the reps incase you feel uncomfortable.
Bent over rows ? hold dumbbells in each hand and spread your legs at shoulder width. Keep your knees soft (slightly bent) and bend your back forwards at 70 degrees. Now lift up the dumbbells in a straight line keeping your arms close to your body (bending your elbows) while you pull them upwards. Breathe out while you pull up and repeat 15 times for the first set. Then increase weight and repeat for 10 to 12 reps.
Weighted dips ? Raise your self on two supports with elbows locked (two parallel bars or even two chairs if at home). Lower your body until your shoulders are lower than your elbows. Push yourself up by straightening your arms. Switch to weighted dips once you can do 12 ? 15 reps without weights.
The clincher is that this workout takes up less of your time and gives you a whole body workout in half an hour, or less. Look out for another great 30-minute workout in my next post so that you can mix and match to give you greater flexibility.
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Source: http://healthmeup.com/news-diet-fitness/workouts-only-30-minutes-for-the-gym-no-problem/3578
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