Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Superwoman Epidemic | For Colored Gurls

We all know this woman. Some of us are THIS woman. She is fearless! She takes on every task presented to her. She juggles her career, family, friends, activites and still makes time for her. Or does she?

I am all too familiar with this woman because I am her!

I got married at 21, and you couldn?t tell me I couldn?t have it all. I was that woman walking down the street in a business suit with a briefcase in one hand, a kid?s hand in the other, purse and diaper bag on my shoulder and talking on the phone, setting appointments as I headed to the office. I believed in my heart I could successfully juggle everything. My husband adored it. He married Superwoman!

Boy, did reality slap me across the face. The briefcase slipped out of my hand, and its contents blew down the street, the baby started crying, and my cell phone dropped the call after I?d already been on hold for 20 minutes. Geeesh!

I had to realistically examine my life to realize, in trying to be Superwoman, I was causing more harm to my family and especially to my sanity. After I got divorced (read Married to Him to get that story), I found myself as a single mother with two small children and not a whole lot of people to depend on. Now, I was forced to be Superwoman! I had to juggle everything and figure out how to do it successfully. I learned again, this is far from reality.

So what did I do? I took a deep breath, exhaled, then assessed my situation. I had to realize that it?s okay. I don?t, can?t and shouldn?t attempt to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders.

So, I started letting things and people go. I released myself from obligations that were not beneficial. I had to learn how to tell people no. This proved to be especially difficult with my loved ones because they were spoiled by me constantly saying yes to every request.

Then, I learned the power of prioritizing. Every task didn?t need to be accomplished right then and there.

I let go of guilt! I had to learn to stop feeling guilty about doing things and taking time for me. My grandmother used to tell me, ?If you can?t love yourself, then you surely can?t love anyone else.? These were some of the realest words ever spoken to me. It?s very necessary that we women take ?me? time. It?s our time to rejuvenate, be selfish with ourselves, pamper and spoil us. It?s just our time to get into ourselves and revive that beautiful, stress-free, relaxed woman. Superwoman is frazzled, stressed, anxious, tired and even more tired.

I have retired my cape and superhero outfit. I am officially seven months free of Superwoman!

Until next time?

Please share your stories with us of overcoming your Superwoman by leaving a comment!

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Senica Evans is a mother, author, speaker and survivor of destructive relationships, domestic violence and sexual abuse. As a relationship expert, she is on a mission to help women overcome, survive and break the cycle of these destructive relationships. Visit her today at

Tags: guest bloggers, inspiration, life balance, Senica Evans, superwoman, the superwoman epidemic

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